Using Energy for Enhanced Well-Being, Happiness & Personal Protection
This workshop is a chance for you to polish your inner-glow, tap your magic, and become a beacon in the world.
You'll receive your Level 1 Reiki attunement, and learn techniques for aura strengthening, energetic shielding & clearing energetic pollution (aka How to stop people from "sucking your energy" & how to "keep other people's ickies off you.")
This workshop will help you increase your emotional resilience and learn how to determine how things are affecting you energetically, which are making you stronger & which are sapping your strength.
Healing gemstone jewelry, Mind Body Spirit energy healing, energy healing workshops,
Custom & free guided meditation, gem elixirs & moon water
energy healing, GemRx consultation & intuitive readings by appointment only
* Please note: Statements made & Healing Properties referenced on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to act as a substitute for medical care. Please consult your physician regarding any physical ailments & do not change your medically prescribed treatments without direction from your physician.