Marsya came into my life during a critical time in my spiritual journey and healing process.
She honed in on what was blocked inside of me, and allowed her intuition to guide her through our energy session together. The entire experience was filled with a profound sense of love and a deeply rooted wisdom.
I left feeling a new sense of spaciousness, and the courage I needed to move into a lighter place.
I still carry the pyrite she gave me to activate confidence whenever it is needed. It is an honor to work with Marsya. She is a truly gifted healer.
~ Savitri D.
I love my Marsya jewelry! Wearing it makes me feel so self-assured and calm.
I have two children and run a business, and when I wear it I have much more patience with both my kids and my husband.
I like this style so much, now I have the earrings, necklace, bracelet, anklet AND armlet!
~ Ekaterina K.
The day I met Marsya for my first GemRx Consultation, my 11-year old daughter, A., requested a piece for herself that would "help [her] sleep better, not be stressed & not be so hard on [her]self." So Marsya made her a sweet little necklace with Amethyst & Smoky Quartz.
The moment she put it on, A. said she felt "lighter" & "happier," and that night she slept like a baby! She wore it every day for months sleeping in it, showering in it. She never wanted to take it off. Her sleep improved, she was happier at school, and she said wearing it made her "feel good."
Then one day when we were on vacation, the necklace broke. That night her insomnia & anxiety came back. So I gathered up the gems and, when we were back in Vermont, took the necklace to Marsya for repair.
That night A. slept like a baby again.
A. & I both love Marsya's work and are so happy that now we each have a selection of Marsya's custom GemRx jewelry to choose from.
~ Karen K.
Marsya is fantastic...Consults with you about your specific needs, recommends healing gems, and then creates!
She is in Burlington, VT, but ships jewelry anywhere and will do a GemRx consultation over the phone or Skype!
~ Kelly B.