
Gift Certificates
Mind: Guided Meditations
Workshops, Certifications, Events
Body: GemRx Tools
Jewelry Sets
Healing Gemstone Jewelry
Healing Gem Combinations
Creativity & Self-Expression
Energetic Protection & Wisdom
Healthy Relationships & Balance
Heart Healing & Grief
Joyful Confidence & Courage
Mood Elevation & Depression Relief
Passionate Love Life & Vitality
Post-Partum Nurturing & Self-Love
Prosperity & Motivation
Anxiety & Insomnia
Spirit: Energy Clearing, Holistic Coaching, GemRx

Body: GemRx Tools

Named after our founder, Marsya Mind Body Spirit jewelry is the BODY in Mind Body Spirit Wellness.

Every time you bring another gem into your world, you are taking another step on your own exploration of healing.

Search by Gem , by Intention , or just see what catches your eye.

If you'd like to know exactly what gems are right for you, right now, schedule a GemRx Consultation (aka Intuitive Crystal Reading).

Share the healing with those your love, design a custom piece, give it as a give, choose a piece for yourself... Trust your intuition!


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